Why the Black Hills are sacred - page 21

Sina Okpate
represents the
Connection with the Universe
people were born from the first seven spirits:
• the Thunder
• the Bear
• the Stone
• the Eagle
• the Buffalo
• the Earth
• the Stars
Because we are born from them, they are our relatives, our origin, our altar,
our universe. On the „Blanket Strip“ is the teaching for the Sundance. The
four medicine wheels represent four Sundance Trees or four years of com-
mitment to Sundance.
The tree represents
the ‚Tree of Life“ in
the center of the uni-
The whirlwind sym-
bol going counter-
clockwise represents
the earth going in
orbit around the sun
to create the four sea-
The whirlwind sym-
bol going clockwise
represents the swirl
of our galaxy.
The earth going one
way and the galaxy
going the other way
symbolizes balance.
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